Source code for stumpy.stumped

# Copyright 2019 TD Ameritrade. Released under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license.
# STUMPY is a trademark of TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

# import inspect
import numpy as np

from . import config, core
from .aamped import aamped
from .stump import _stump

def _dask_stumped(
    Compute the z-normalized (top-k) matrix profile with a distributed dask cluster

    This is a highly distributed implementation around the Numba JIT-compiled
    parallelized `_stump` function which computes the (top-k) matrix profile according
    to STOMPopt with Pearson correlations.

    dask_client : client
        A Dask Distributed client. Setting up a distributed cluster is beyond
        the scope of this library. Please refer to the Dask Distributed

    T_A : numpy.ndarray
        The time series or sequence for which to compute the matrix profile

    T_B : numpy.ndarray
        The time series or sequence that will be used to annotate T_A. For every
        subsequence in T_A, its nearest neighbor in T_B will be recorded. Default is
        `None` which corresponds to a self-join.

    m : int
        Window size

    M_T : numpy.ndarray
        Sliding mean of time series, `T`

    μ_Q : numpy.ndarray
        Mean of the query sequence, `Q`, relative to the current sliding window

    Σ_T_inverse : numpy.ndarray
        Inverse sliding standard deviation of time series, `T`

    σ_Q_inverse : numpy.ndarray
        Inverse standard deviation of the query sequence, `Q`, relative to the current

    M_T_m_1 : numpy.ndarray
        Sliding mean of time series, `T`, using a window size of `m-1`

    μ_Q_m_1 : numpy.ndarray
        Mean of the query sequence, `Q`, relative to the current sliding window and
        using a window size of `m-1`

    T_A_subseq_isfinite : numpy.ndarray
        A boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T_A` contains a
        `np.nan`/`np.inf` value (False)

    T_B_subseq_isfinite : numpy.ndarray
        A boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T_B` contains a
        `np.nan`/`np.inf` value (False)

    T_A_subseq_isconstant : numpy.ndarray
        A boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T_A` is constant (True)

    T_B_subseq_isconstant : numpy.ndarray
        A boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T_B` is constant (True)

    diags : numpy.ndarray
        The diagonal indices

    ignore_trivial : bool, default True
        Set to `True` if this is a self-join. Otherwise, for AB-join, set this
        to `False`. Default is `True`.

    k : int, default 1
        The number of top `k` smallest distances used to construct the matrix profile.
        Note that this will increase the total computational time and memory usage
        when k > 1. If you have access to a GPU device, then you may be able to
        leverage `gpu_stump` for better performance and scalability.

    out : numpy.ndarray
        When k = 1 (default), the first column consists of the matrix profile,
        the second column consists of the matrix profile indices, the third column
        consists of the left matrix profile indices, and the fourth column consists
        of the right matrix profile indices. However, when k > 1, the output array
        will contain exactly 2 * k + 2 columns. The first k columns (i.e., out[:, :k])
        consists of the top-k matrix profile, the next set of k columns
        (i.e., out[:, k:2k]) consists of the corresponding top-k matrix profile
        indices, and the last two columns (i.e., out[:, 2k] and out[:, 2k+1] or,
        equivalently, out[:, -2] and out[:, -1]) correspond to the top-1 left
        matrix profile indices and the top-1 right matrix profile indices, respectively.
    n_A = T_A.shape[0]
    n_B = T_B.shape[0]
    l = n_A - m + 1

    hosts = list(dask_client.ncores().keys())
    nworkers = len(hosts)

    ndist_counts = core._count_diagonal_ndist(diags, m, n_A, n_B)
    diags_ranges = core._get_array_ranges(ndist_counts, nworkers, False)
    diags_ranges += diags[0]

    # Scatter data to Dask cluster
    T_A_future = dask_client.scatter(T_A, broadcast=True, hash=False)
    T_B_future = dask_client.scatter(T_B, broadcast=True, hash=False)
    M_T_future = dask_client.scatter(M_T, broadcast=True, hash=False)
    μ_Q_future = dask_client.scatter(μ_Q, broadcast=True, hash=False)
    Σ_T_inverse_future = dask_client.scatter(Σ_T_inverse, broadcast=True, hash=False)
    σ_Q_inverse_future = dask_client.scatter(σ_Q_inverse, broadcast=True, hash=False)
    M_T_m_1_future = dask_client.scatter(M_T_m_1, broadcast=True, hash=False)
    μ_Q_m_1_future = dask_client.scatter(μ_Q_m_1, broadcast=True, hash=False)
    T_A_subseq_isfinite_future = dask_client.scatter(
        T_A_subseq_isfinite, broadcast=True, hash=False
    T_B_subseq_isfinite_future = dask_client.scatter(
        T_B_subseq_isfinite, broadcast=True, hash=False
    T_A_subseq_isconstant_future = dask_client.scatter(
        T_A_subseq_isconstant, broadcast=True, hash=False
    T_B_subseq_isconstant_future = dask_client.scatter(
        T_B_subseq_isconstant, broadcast=True, hash=False

    diags_futures = []
    for i, host in enumerate(hosts):
        diags_future = dask_client.scatter(
            np.arange(diags_ranges[i, 0], diags_ranges[i, 1], dtype=np.int64),

    futures = []
    for i in range(len(hosts)):

    results = dask_client.gather(futures)
    profile, profile_L, profile_R, indices, indices_L, indices_R = results[0]

    for i in range(1, len(hosts)):
        P, PL, PR, I, IL, IR = results[i]
        # Update top-k matrix profile and matrix profile indices
        core._merge_topk_PI(profile, P, indices, I)

        # Update top-1 left matrix profile and matrix profile index
        mask = PL < profile_L
        profile_L[mask] = PL[mask]
        indices_L[mask] = IL[mask]

        # Update top-1 right matrix profile and matrix profile index
        mask = PR < profile_R
        profile_R[mask] = PR[mask]
        indices_R[mask] = IR[mask]

    out = np.empty((l, 2 * k + 2), dtype=object)
    out[:, :k] = profile
    out[:, k:] = np.column_stack((indices, indices_L, indices_R))

    return out

[docs] @core.non_normalized(aamped) def stumped( client, T_A, m, T_B=None, ignore_trivial=True, normalize=True, p=2.0, k=1, T_A_subseq_isconstant=None, T_B_subseq_isconstant=None, ): """ Compute the z-normalized matrix profile with a distributed dask/ray cluster This is a highly distributed implementation around the Numba JIT-compiled parallelized `_stump` function which computes the (top-k) matrix profile according to STOMPopt with Pearson correlations. Parameters ---------- client : client A Dask or Ray Distributed client. Setting up a distributed cluster is beyond the scope of this library. Please refer to the Dask or Ray Distributed documentation. T_A : numpy.ndarray The time series or sequence for which to compute the matrix profile m : int Window size T_B : numpy.ndarray, default None The time series or sequence that will be used to annotate T_A. For every subsequence in T_A, its nearest neighbor in T_B will be recorded. Default is `None` which corresponds to a self-join. ignore_trivial : bool, default True Set to `True` if this is a self-join. Otherwise, for AB-join, set this to `False`. Default is `True`. normalize : bool, default True When set to `True`, this z-normalizes subsequences prior to computing distances. Otherwise, this function gets re-routed to its complementary non-normalized equivalent set in the `@core.non_normalized` function decorator. p : float, default 2.0 The p-norm to apply for computing the Minkowski distance. Minkowski distance is typically used with `p` being 1 or 2, which correspond to the Manhattan distance and the Euclidean distance, respectively. This parameter is ignored when `normalize == True`. k : int, default 1 The number of top `k` smallest distances used to construct the matrix profile. Note that this will increase the total computational time and memory usage when k > 1. If you have access to a GPU device, then you may be able to leverage `gpu_stump` for better performance and scalability. T_A_subseq_isconstant : numpy.ndarray or function, default None A boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T_A` is constant (True). Alternatively, a custom, user-defined function that returns a boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T_A` is constant (True). The function must only take two arguments, `a`, a 1-D array, and `w`, the window size, while additional arguments may be specified by currying the user-defined function using `functools.partial`. Any subsequence with at least one np.nan/np.inf will automatically have its corresponding value set to False in this boolean array. T_B_subseq_isconstant : numpy.ndarray or function, default None A boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T_B` is constant (True). Alternatively, a custom, user-defined function that returns a boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T_B` is constant (True). The function must only take two arguments, `a`, a 1-D array, and `w`, the window size, while additional arguments may be specified by currying the user-defined function using `functools.partial`. Any subsequence with at least one np.nan/np.inf will automatically have its corresponding value set to False in this boolean array. Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray When k = 1 (default), the first column consists of the matrix profile, the second column consists of the matrix profile indices, the third column consists of the left matrix profile indices, and the fourth column consists of the right matrix profile indices. However, when k > 1, the output array will contain exactly 2 * k + 2 columns. The first k columns (i.e., out[:, :k]) consists of the top-k matrix profile, the next set of k columns (i.e., out[:, k:2k]) consists of the corresponding top-k matrix profile indices, and the last two columns (i.e., out[:, 2k] and out[:, 2k+1] or, equivalently, out[:, -2] and out[:, -1]) correspond to the top-1 left matrix profile indices and the top-1 right matrix profile indices, respectively. See Also -------- stumpy.stump : Compute the z-normalized matrix profile cluster stumpy.gpu_stump : Compute the z-normalized matrix profile with one or more GPU devices stumpy.scrump : Compute an approximate z-normalized matrix profile Notes ----- `DOI: 10.1007/s10115-017-1138-x \ <>`__ See Section 4.5 The above reference outlines a general approach for traversing the distance matrix in a diagonal fashion rather than in a row-wise fashion. `DOI: 10.1145/3357223.3362721 \ <>`__ See Section 3.1 and Section 3.3 The above reference outlines the use of the Pearson correlation via Welford's centered sum-of-products along each diagonal of the distance matrix in place of the sliding window dot product found in the original STOMP method. `DOI: 10.1109/ICDM.2016.0085 \ <>`__ See Table II This is a Dask distributed implementation of stump that scales across multiple servers and is a convenience wrapper around the parallelized `stump._stump` function Timeseries, T_A, will be annotated with the distance location (or index) of all its subsequences in another times series, T_B. Return: For every subsequence, Q, in T_A, you will get a distance and index for the closest subsequence in T_B. Thus, the array returned will have length T_A.shape[0]-m+1. Additionally, the left and right matrix profiles are also returned. Note: Unlike in the Table II where T_A.shape is expected to be equal to T_B.shape, this implementation is generalized so that the shapes of T_A and T_B can be different. In the case where T_A.shape == T_B.shape, then our algorithm reduces down to the same algorithm found in Table II. Additionally, unlike STAMP where the exclusion zone is m/2, the default exclusion zone for STOMP is m/4 (See Definition 3 and Figure 3). For self-joins, set `ignore_trivial = True` in order to avoid the trivial match. Note that left and right matrix profiles are only available for self-joins. Examples -------- >>> import stumpy >>> import numpy as np >>> from dask.distributed import Client >>> if __name__ == "__main__": ... with Client() as dask_client: ... stumpy.stumped( ... dask_client, ... np.array([584., -11., 23., 79., 1001., 0., -19.]), ... m=3) array([[0.11633857113691416, 4, -1, 4], [2.694073918063438, 3, -1, 3], [3.0000926340485923, 0, 0, 4], [2.694073918063438, 1, 1, -1], [0.11633857113691416, 0, 0, -1]], dtype=object) """ if T_B is None: T_B = T_A ignore_trivial = True T_B_subseq_isconstant = T_A_subseq_isconstant ( T_A, μ_Q, σ_Q_inverse, μ_Q_m_1, T_A_subseq_isfinite, T_A_subseq_isconstant, ) = core.preprocess_diagonal(T_A, m, T_subseq_isconstant=T_A_subseq_isconstant) ( T_B, M_T, Σ_T_inverse, M_T_m_1, T_B_subseq_isfinite, T_B_subseq_isconstant, ) = core.preprocess_diagonal(T_B, m, T_subseq_isconstant=T_B_subseq_isconstant) if T_A.ndim != 1: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( f"T_A is {T_A.ndim}-dimensional and must be 1-dimensional. " "For multidimensional STUMP use `stumpy.mstump` or `stumpy.mstumped`" ) if T_B.ndim != 1: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( f"T_B is {T_B.ndim}-dimensional and must be 1-dimensional. " "For multidimensional STUMP use `stumpy.mstump` or `stumpy.mstumped`" ) core.check_window_size(m, max_size=min(T_A.shape[0], T_B.shape[0])) ignore_trivial = core.check_ignore_trivial(T_A, T_B, ignore_trivial) n_A = T_A.shape[0] n_B = T_B.shape[0] excl_zone = int(np.ceil(m / config.STUMPY_EXCL_ZONE_DENOM)) if ignore_trivial: diags = np.arange(excl_zone + 1, n_A - m + 1, dtype=np.int64) else: diags = np.arange(-(n_A - m + 1) + 1, n_B - m + 1, dtype=np.int64) _stumped = core._client_to_func(client) out = _stumped( client, T_A, T_B, m, M_T, μ_Q, Σ_T_inverse, σ_Q_inverse, M_T_m_1, μ_Q_m_1, T_A_subseq_isfinite, T_B_subseq_isfinite, T_A_subseq_isconstant, T_B_subseq_isconstant, diags, ignore_trivial, k, ) core._check_P(out[:, 0]) return out