Source code for stumpy.stimp

# Copyright 2019 TD Ameritrade. Released under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license.
# STUMPY is a trademark of TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

import numpy as np

from . import core, scrump
from .aamp_stimp import aamp_stimp, aamp_stimped
from .stump import stump
from .stumped import stumped

def _normalize_pan(pan, ms, bfs_indices, n_processed):
    Normalize the pan matrix profile nearest neighbor distances (inplace) relative
    to the corresponding subsequence length from which they were computed

    pan : numpy.ndarray
        The pan matrix profile

    ms : numpy.ndarray
        The breadth-first-search sorted subsequence window sizes

    bfs_indices : numpy.ndarray
        The breadth-first-search indices

    n_processed : numpy.ndarray
        The number of subsequence window sizes and breadth-first-search indices to

    idx = bfs_indices[:n_processed]
    norm = 1.0 / (2.0 * np.sqrt(ms[:n_processed]))
    pan[idx] = np.minimum(1.0, pan[idx] * np.expand_dims(norm, 1))

class _stimp:
    Compute the Pan Matrix Profile

    This is based on the SKIMP algorithm.

    T : numpy.ndarray
        The time series or sequence for which to compute the pan matrix profile

    min_m : int, default 3
        The starting (or minimum) subsequence window size for which a matrix profile
        may be computed

    max_m : int, default None
        The stopping (or maximum) subsequence window size for which a matrix profile
        may be computed. When `max_m = Non`, this is set to the maximum allowable
        subsequence window size

    step : int, default 1
        The step between subsequence window sizes

    percentage : float, default 0.01
        The percentage of the full matrix profile to compute for each subsequence
        window size. When `percentage < 1.0`, then the `scrump` algorithm is used.
        Otherwise, the `stump` algorithm is used when the exact matrix profile is

    pre_scrump : bool, default True
        A flag for whether or not to perform the PreSCRIMP calculation prior to
        computing SCRIMP. If set to `True`, this is equivalent to computing
        SCRIMP++. This parameter is ignored when `percentage = 1.0`.

    client : client, default None
        A Dask or Ray Distributed client. Setting up a distributed cluster is beyond
        the scope of this library. Please refer to the Dask or Ray Distributed

    device_id : int or list, default None
        The (GPU) device number to use. The default value is `0`. A list of
        valid device ids (int) may also be provided for parallel GPU-STUMP
        computation. A list of all valid device ids can be obtained by
        executing `[ for device in numba.cuda.list_devices()]`.

    mp_func : function, default stump
        The matrix profile function to use when `percentage = 1.0`

    T_subseq_isconstant_func : function, default None
        A custom, user-defined function that returns a boolean array that indicates
        whether a subsequence in `T` is constant (True). The function must only take
        two arguments, `a`, a 1-D array, and `w`, the window size, while additional
        arguments may be specified by currying the user-defined function using
        `functools.partial`. Any subsequence with at least one np.nan/np.inf will
        automatically have its corresponding value set to False in this boolean array.

    PAN_ : numpy.ndarray
        The transformed (i.e., normalized, contrasted, binarized, and repeated)
        pan matrix profile

    M_ : numpy.ndarray
        The full list of (breadth first search (level) ordered) subsequence window

        Compute the next matrix profile using the next available (breadth-first-search
        (level) ordered) subsequence window size and update the pan matrix profile

    `DOI: 10.1109/ICBK.2019.00031 \

    See Table 2

    def __init__(
        Initialize the `stimp` object and compute the Pan Matrix Profile

        T : numpy.ndarray
            The time series or sequence for which to compute the pan matrix profile

        min_m : int, default 3
            The minimum subsequence window size to consider computing a matrix profile

        max_m : int, default None
            The maximum subsequence window size to consider computing a matrix profile
            for. When `max_m = None`, this is set to the maximum allowable subsequence
            window size

        step : int, default 1
            The step between subsequence window sizes

        percentage : float, default 0.01
            The percentage of the full matrix profile to compute for each subsequence
            window size. When `percentage < 1.0`, then the `scrump` algorithm is used.
            Otherwise, the `stump` algorithm is used when the exact matrix profile is

        pre_scrump : bool, default True
            A flag for whether or not to perform the PreSCRIMP calculation prior to
            computing SCRIMP. If set to `True`, this is equivalent to computing
            SCRIMP++. This parameter is ignored when `percentage = 1.0`.

        client : client, default None
            A Dask or Ray Distributed client. Setting up a distributed cluster is beyond
            the scope of this library. Please refer to the Dask or Ray Distributed

        device_id : int or list, default None
            The (GPU) device number to use. The default value is `0`. A list of
            valid device ids (int) may also be provided for parallel GPU-STUMP
            computation. A list of all valid device ids can be obtained by
            executing `[ for device in numba.cuda.list_devices()]`.

        mp_func : function, default stump
            The matrix profile function to use when `percentage = 1.0`

        T_subseq_isconstant_func : function, default None
            A custom, user-defined function that returns a boolean array that indicates
            whether a subsequence in `T` is constant (True). The function must only take
            two arguments, `a`, a 1-D array, and `w`, the window size, while additional
            arguments may be specified by currying the user-defined function using
            `functools.partial`. Any subsequence with at least one np.nan/np.inf will
            automatically have its corresponding value set to False in this boolean
        self._T = T.copy()
        if max_m is None:
            max_m = max(min_m + 1, core.get_max_window_size(self._T.shape[0]))
            M = np.arange(min_m, max_m + 1, step).astype(np.int64)
            min_m, max_m = sorted([min_m, max_m])
            M = np.arange(
                max(3, min_m),
                min(core.get_max_window_size(self._T.shape[0]), max_m) + 1,
        self._bfs_indices = core._bfs_indices(M.shape[0])
        self._M = M[self._bfs_indices]
        self._n_processed = 0
        percentage = np.clip(percentage, 0.0, 1.0)
        self._percentage = percentage
        self._pre_scrump = pre_scrump
        self._partial_mp_func = core._get_partial_mp_func(
            mp_func, client=client, device_id=device_id

        if T_subseq_isconstant_func is None:
            T_subseq_isconstant_func = core._rolling_isconstant
        if not callable(T_subseq_isconstant_func):  # pragma: no cover
            msg = (
                "`T_subseq_isconstant_func` was expected to be a callable function "
                + f"but {type(T_subseq_isconstant_func)} was found."
            raise ValueError(msg)
        self._T_subseq_isconstant_func = T_subseq_isconstant_func

        self._PAN = np.full(
            (self._M.shape[0], self._T.shape[0]), fill_value=np.inf, dtype=np.float64

    def update(self):
        Update the pan matrix profile by computing a single matrix profile using the
        next available subsequence window size



        `DOI: 10.1109/ICBK.2019.00031 \

        See Table 2
        if self._n_processed < self._M.shape[0]:
            m = self._M[self._n_processed]
            if self._percentage < 1.0:
                approx = scrump(
                    self._bfs_indices[self._n_processed], : approx.P_.shape[0]
                ] = approx.P_
                out = self._partial_mp_func(
                    self._bfs_indices[self._n_processed], : out[:, 0].shape[0]
                ] = out[:, 0]
            self._n_processed += 1

    def pan(self, threshold=0.2, normalize=True, contrast=True, binary=True, clip=True):
        Generate a transformed (i.e., normalized, contrasted, binarized, and repeated)
        pan matrix profile

        threshold : float, default 0.2
            The distance `threshold` in which to center the pan matrix profile around
            for best contrast and this value is also used for binarizing the pan matrix

        normalize : bool, default True
            A flag for whether or not each individual matrix profile within the pan
            matrix profile is normalized by its corresponding subsequence window size.
            If set to `True`, normalization is performed.

        contrast : bool, default True
            A flag for whether or not the pan matrix profile is centered around the
            desired `threshold` in order to provide higher contrast. If set to `True`,
            centering is performed.

        binary : bool, default True
            A flag for whether or not the pan matrix profile is binarized. If set to
            `True`, all values less than or equal to `threshold` are set to `0.0` while
            all other values are set to `1.0`.

        clip : bool, default True
            A flag for whether or not the pan matrix profile is clipped. If set to
            `True`, all values are ensured to be clipped between `0.0` and `1.0`.

        PAN = self._PAN.copy()
        # Retrieve the row indices where the matrix profile was actually computed
        idx = self._bfs_indices[: self._n_processed]
        sorted_idx = np.sort(idx)
        PAN[PAN == np.inf] = np.nan

        if normalize:
            _normalize_pan(PAN, self._M, self._bfs_indices, self._n_processed)
        if contrast:
            core._contrast_pan(PAN, threshold, self._bfs_indices, self._n_processed)
        if binary:
            core._binarize_pan(PAN, threshold, self._bfs_indices, self._n_processed)
        if clip:
            PAN[idx] = np.clip(PAN[idx], 0.0, 1.0)

        # Below, for each matrix profile that was computed, we take that matrix profile
        # and copy/repeat it downwards to replace other rows in the `PAN` where the
        # matrix profile has yet to be computed. Instead of only having lines/values in
        # the rows where matrix profiles were computed, this gives us the "blocky" look
        nrepeat = np.diff(np.append(-1, sorted_idx))
        PAN[: np.sum(nrepeat)] = np.repeat(PAN[sorted_idx], nrepeat, axis=0)
        PAN[np.isnan(PAN)] = np.nanmax(PAN)

        return PAN

    def PAN_(self):
        Get the transformed (i.e., normalized, contrasted, binarized, and repeated) pan
        matrix profile


        return self.pan().astype(np.float64)

    def M_(self):
        Get all of the (breadth first searched (level) ordered) subsequence window sizes


        return self._M.astype(np.int64)

    # @property
    # def bfs_indices_(self):
    #     """
    #     Get the breadth first search (level order) indices
    #     """
    #     return self._bfs_indices.astype(np.int64)

    # @property
    # def n_processed_(self):  # pragma: no cover
    #     """
    #     Get the total number of windows that have been processed
    #     """
    #     return self._n_processed

[docs] @core.non_normalized( aamp_stimp, exclude=["pre_scrump", "normalize", "p", "T_subseq_isconstant_func", "pre_scraamp"], replace={"pre_scrump": "pre_scraamp"}, ) class stimp(_stimp): """ Compute the Pan Matrix Profile This is based on the SKIMP algorithm. Parameters ---------- T : numpy.ndarray The time series or sequence for which to compute the pan matrix profile min_m : int, default 3 The starting (or minimum) subsequence window size for which a matrix profile may be computed max_m : int, default None The stopping (or maximum) subsequence window size for which a matrix profile may be computed. When `max_m = Non`, this is set to the maximum allowable subsequence window size step : int, default 1 The step between subsequence window sizes percentage : float, default 0.01 The percentage of the full matrix profile to compute for each subsequence window size. When `percentage < 1.0`, then the `scrump` algorithm is used. Otherwise, the `stump` algorithm is used when the exact matrix profile is requested. pre_scrump : bool, default True A flag for whether or not to perform the PreSCRIMP calculation prior to computing SCRIMP. If set to `True`, this is equivalent to computing SCRIMP++. This parameter is ignored when `percentage = 1.0`. normalize : bool, default True When set to `True`, this z-normalizes subsequences prior to computing distances. Otherwise, this function gets re-routed to its complementary non-normalized equivalent set in the `@core.non_normalized` function decorator. p : float, default 2.0 The p-norm to apply for computing the Minkowski distance. This parameter is ignored when `normalize == True`. T_subseq_isconstant_func : function, default None A custom, user-defined function that returns a boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T` is constant (True). The function must only take two arguments, `a`, a 1-D array, and `w`, the window size, while additional arguments may be specified by currying the user-defined function using `functools.partial`. Any subsequence with at least one np.nan/np.inf will automatically have its corresponding value set to False in this boolean array. Attributes ---------- PAN_ : numpy.ndarray The transformed (i.e., normalized, contrasted, binarized, and repeated) pan matrix profile M_ : numpy.ndarray The full list of (breadth first search (level) ordered) subsequence window sizes Methods ------- update(): Compute the next matrix profile using the next available (breadth-first-search (level) ordered) subsequence window size and update the pan matrix profile See Also -------- stumpy.stimped : Compute the Pan Matrix Profile with a distributed dask cluster stumpy.gpu_stimp : Compute the Pan Matrix Profile with with one or more GPU devices Notes ----- `DOI: 10.1109/ICBK.2019.00031 \ <>`__ See Table 2 Examples -------- >>> import stumpy >>> import numpy as np >>> pmp = stumpy.stimp(np.array([584., -11., 23., 79., 1001., 0., -19.])) >>> pmp.update() >>> pmp.PAN_ array([[0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]]) """ def __init__( self, T, min_m=3, max_m=None, step=1, percentage=0.01, pre_scrump=True, normalize=True, p=2.0, T_subseq_isconstant_func=None, ): """ Initialize the `stimp` object and compute the Pan Matrix Profile Parameters ---------- T : numpy.ndarray The time series or sequence for which to compute the pan matrix profile min_m : int, default 3 The minimum subsequence window size to consider computing a matrix profile for max_m : int, default None The maximum subsequence window size to consider computing a matrix profile for. When `max_m = None`, this is set to the maximum allowable subsequence window size step : int, default 1 The step between subsequence window sizes percentage : float, default 0.01 The percentage of the full matrix profile to compute for each subsequence window size. When `percentage < 1.0`, then the `scrump` algorithm is used. Otherwise, the `stump` algorithm is used when the exact matrix profile is requested. pre_scrump : bool, default True A flag for whether or not to perform the PreSCRIMP calculation prior to computing SCRIMP. If set to `True`, this is equivalent to computing SCRIMP++. This parameter is ignored when `percentage = 1.0`. normalize : bool, default True When set to `True`, this z-normalizes subsequences prior to computing distances. Otherwise, this function gets re-routed to its complementary non-normalized equivalent set in the `@core.non_normalized` function decorator. p : float, default 2.0 The p-norm to apply for computing the Minkowski distance. This parameter is ignored when `normalize == True`. T_subseq_isconstant_func : function, default None A custom, user-defined function that returns a boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T` is constant (True). The function must only take two arguments, `a`, a 1-D array, and `w`, the window size, while additional arguments may be specified by currying the user-defined function using `functools.partial`. Any subsequence with at least one np.nan/np.inf will automatically have its corresponding value set to False in this boolean array. """ super().__init__( T, min_m=min_m, max_m=max_m, step=step, percentage=percentage, pre_scrump=pre_scrump, mp_func=stump, T_subseq_isconstant_func=T_subseq_isconstant_func, )
[docs] @core.non_normalized( aamp_stimped, exclude=["pre_scrump", "normalize", "p", "T_subseq_isconstant_func", "pre_scraamp"], replace={"pre_scrump": "pre_scraamp"}, ) class stimped(_stimp): """ Compute the Pan Matrix Profile with a distributed dask/ray cluster This is based on the SKIMP algorithm. Parameters ---------- client : client A Dask or Ray Distributed client. Setting up a distributed cluster is beyond the scope of this library. Please refer to the Dask or Ray Distributed documentation. T : numpy.ndarray The time series or sequence for which to compute the pan matrix profile min_m : int, default 3 The starting (or minimum) subsequence window size for which a matrix profile may be computed max_m : int, default None The stopping (or maximum) subsequence window size for which a matrix profile may be computed. When `max_m = Non`, this is set to the maximum allowable subsequence window size step : int, default 1 The step between subsequence window sizes normalize : bool, default True When set to `True`, this z-normalizes subsequences prior to computing distances. Otherwise, this function gets re-routed to its complementary non-normalized equivalent set in the `@core.non_normalized` function decorator. p : float, default 2.0 The p-norm to apply for computing the Minkowski distance. This parameter is ignored when `normalize == True`. T_subseq_isconstant_func : function, default None A custom, user-defined function that returns a boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T` is constant (True). The function must only take two arguments, `a`, a 1-D array, and `w`, the window size, while additional arguments may be specified by currying the user-defined function using `functools.partial`. Any subsequence with at least one np.nan/np.inf will automatically have its corresponding value set to False in this boolean array. Attributes ---------- PAN_ : numpy.ndarray The transformed (i.e., normalized, contrasted, binarized, and repeated) pan matrix profile M_ : numpy.ndarray The full list of (breadth first search (level) ordered) subsequence window sizes Methods ------- update(): Compute the next matrix profile using the next available (breadth-first-search (level) ordered) subsequence window size and update the pan matrix profile See Also -------- stumpy.stimp : Compute the Pan Matrix Profile stumpy.gpu_stimp : Compute the Pan Matrix Profile with with one or more GPU devices Notes ----- `DOI: 10.1109/ICBK.2019.00031 \ <>`__ See Table 2 Examples -------- >>> import stumpy >>> import numpy as np >>> from dask.distributed import Client >>> if __name__ == "__main__": ... with Client() as dask_client: ... pmp = stumpy.stimped( ... dask_client, ... np.array([584., -11., 23., 79., 1001., 0., -19.])) ... pmp.update() ... pmp.PAN_ array([[0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]]) """ def __init__( self, client, T, min_m=3, max_m=None, step=1, normalize=True, p=2.0, T_subseq_isconstant_func=None, ): """ Initialize the `stimp` object and compute the Pan Matrix Profile Parameters ---------- client : client A Dask or Ray Distributed client. Setting up a distributed cluster is beyond the scope of this library. Please refer to the Dask or Ray Distributed documentation. T : numpy.ndarray The time series or sequence for which to compute the pan matrix profile min_m : int, default 3 The minimum subsequence window size to consider computing a matrix profile for max_m : int, default None The maximum subsequence window size to consider computing a matrix profile for. When `max_m = None`, this is set to the maximum allowable subsequence window size step : int, default 1 The step between subsequence window sizes normalize : bool, default True When set to `True`, this z-normalizes subsequences prior to computing distances. Otherwise, this function gets re-routed to its complementary non-normalized equivalent set in the `@core.non_normalized` function decorator. p : float, default 2.0 The p-norm to apply for computing the Minkowski distance. This parameter is ignored when `normalize == True`. T_subseq_isconstant_func : function, default None A custom, user-defined function that returns a boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T` is constant (True). The function must only take two arguments, `a`, a 1-D array, and `w`, the window size, while additional arguments may be specified by currying the user-defined function using `functools.partial`. Any subsequence with at least one np.nan/np.inf will automatically have its corresponding value set to False in this boolean array. """ super().__init__( T, min_m=min_m, max_m=max_m, step=step, percentage=1.0, pre_scrump=False, client=client, mp_func=stumped, T_subseq_isconstant_func=T_subseq_isconstant_func, )