Source code for stumpy.snippets

# Copyright 2019 TD Ameritrade. Released under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license.
# STUMPY is a trademark of TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

import math

import numpy as np

from . import core
from .aampdist_snippets import aampdist_snippets
from .core import _get_mask_slices, check_window_size
from .mpdist import _mpdist_vect

def _get_all_profiles(
    For each non-overlapping subsequence, `S[i]`, in `T`, compute the matrix profile
    distance measure vector between the `i`th non-overlapping subsequence and each
    sliding window subsequence, `T[j : j + m]`, within `T` where `j < len(T) - m + 1`.

    T : numpy.ndarray
        The time series or sequence for which to find the snippets

    m : int
        The window size for each non-overlapping subsequence, `S[i]`.

    percentage : float, default 1.0
        With the length of each non-overlapping subsequence, `S[i]`, set to `m`, this
        is the percentage of `S[i]` (i.e., `percentage * m`) to set the `s` to. When
        `percentage == 1.0`, then the full length of `S[i]` is used to compute the
        `mpdist_vect`. When `percentage < 1.0`, then shorter subsequences from `S[i]`
        is used to compute `mpdist_vect`.

    s : int, default None
        With the length of each non-overlapping subsequence, `S[i]`, set to `m`, this
        is essentially the sub-subsequence length (i.e., a shorter part of `S[i]`).
        When `s == m`, then the full length of `S[i]` is used to compute the
        `mpdist_vect`. When `s < m`, then shorter subsequences with length `s` from
        each `S[i]` is used to compute `mpdist_vect`. When `s` is not `None`, then
        the `percentage` parameter is ignored.

    mpdist_percentage : float, default 0.05
        The percentage of distances that will be used to report `mpdist`. The value
        is between 0.0 and 1.0.

    mpdist_k : int
        Specify the `k`th value in the concatenated matrix profiles to return. When
        `mpdist_k` is not `None`, then the `mpdist_percentage` parameter is ignored.

    mpdist_custom_func : func, default None
        A custom user defined function for selecting the desired value from the
        sorted `P_ABBA` array. This function may need to leverage `functools.partial`
        and should take `P_ABBA` as its only input parameter and return a single
        `MPdist` value. The `percentage` and `k` parameters are ignored when
        `mpdist_custom_func` is not None.

    mpdist_T_subseq_isconstant : numpy.ndarray or function, default None
        A boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence (of length `s`) in `T`
        is constant (True). Alternatively, a custom, user-defined function that
        returns a boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T` is
        constant (True). The function must only take two arguments, `a`, a 1-D array,
        and `w`, the window size, while additional arguments may be specified
        by currying the user-defined function using `functools.partial`. Any
        subsequence with at least one np.nan/np.inf will automatically have its
        corresponding value set to False in this boolean array.

    D : numpy.ndarray
        MPdist profiles

    `DOI: 10.1109/ICBK.2018.00058 \

    See Table II
    if m > T.shape[0] // 2:  # pragma: no cover
        raise ValueError(
            f"The window size {m} for each non-overlapping subsequence is too large "
            f"for a time series with length {T.shape[0]}. "
            f"Please try `m <= len(T) // 2`."

    if s is not None:
        s = min(int(s), m)
        percentage = np.clip(percentage, 0.0, 1.0)
        s = min(math.ceil(percentage * m), m)

    right_pad = 0
    T_subseq_isconstant = core.process_isconstant(T, s, mpdist_T_subseq_isconstant)
    n_contiguous_windows = int(T.shape[0] // m)
    if T.shape[0] % m != 0:
        right_pad = int(m * np.ceil(T.shape[0] / m) - T.shape[0])
        pad_width = (0, right_pad)
        T = np.pad(T, pad_width, mode="constant", constant_values=np.nan)
        T_subseq_isconstant = np.pad(
            T_subseq_isconstant, pad_width, mode="constant", constant_values=False

    n_padded = T.shape[0]
    D = np.empty((n_contiguous_windows, n_padded - m + 1), dtype=np.float64)

    M_T, Σ_T = core.compute_mean_std(T, s)

    # Iterate over non-overlapping subsequences, see Definition 3
    for i in range(n_contiguous_windows):
        start = i * m
        stop = (i + 1) * m
        S_i = T[start:stop]
        D[i, :] = _mpdist_vect(
            M_T[start : stop - s + 1],
            Σ_T[start : stop - s + 1],
            T_subseq_isconstant[start : stop - s + 1],

    stop_idx = n_padded - m + 1 - right_pad
    D = D[:, :stop_idx]

    return D

[docs] @core.non_normalized( aampdist_snippets, exclude=[ "normalize", "mpdist_T_subseq_isconstant", ], ) def snippets( T, m, k, percentage=1.0, s=None, mpdist_percentage=0.05, mpdist_k=None, normalize=True, p=2.0, mpdist_T_subseq_isconstant=None, ): """ Identify the top `k` snippets that best represent the time series, `T` Parameters ---------- T : numpy.ndarray The time series or sequence for which to find the snippets m : int The snippet window size k : int The desired number of snippets percentage : float, default 1.0 With the length of each non-overlapping subsequence, `S[i]`, set to `m`, this is the percentage of `S[i]` (i.e., `percentage * m`) to set `s` (the sub-subsequence length) to. When `percentage == 1.0`, then the full length of `S[i]` is used to compute the `mpdist_vect`. When `percentage < 1.0`, then a shorter sub-subsequence length of `s = min(math.ceil(percentage * m), m)` from each `S[i]` is used to compute `mpdist_vect`. When `s` is not `None`, then the `percentage` parameter is ignored. s : int, default None With the length of each non-overlapping subsequence, `S[i]`, set to `m`, this is essentially the sub-subsequence length (i.e., a shorter part of `S[i]`). When `s == m`, then the full length of `S[i]` is used to compute the `mpdist_vect`. When `s < m`, then shorter subsequences with length `s` from each `S[i]` is used to compute `mpdist_vect`. When `s` is not `None`, then the `percentage` parameter is ignored. mpdist_percentage : float, default 0.05 The percentage of distances that will be used to report `mpdist`. The value is between 0.0 and 1.0. mpdist_k : int Specify the `k`th value in the concatenated matrix profiles to return. When `mpdist_k` is not `None`, then the `mpdist_percentage` parameter is ignored. normalize : bool, default True When set to `True`, this z-normalizes subsequences prior to computing distances. Otherwise, this function gets re-routed to its complementary non-normalized equivalent set in the `@core.non_normalized` function decorator. p : float, default 2.0 The p-norm to apply for computing the Minkowski distance. Minkowski distance is typically used with `p` being 1 or 2, which correspond to the Manhattan distance and the Euclidean distance, respectively. This parameter is ignored when `normalize == True`. mpdist_T_subseq_isconstant : numpy.ndarray or function, default None A boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence (of length `s`) in `T` is constant (True). Alternatively, a custom, user-defined function that returns a boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T` is constant (True). The function must only take two arguments, `a`, a 1-D array, and `w`, the window size, while additional arguments may be specified by currying the user-defined function using `functools.partial`. Any subsequence with at least one np.nan/np.inf will automatically have its corresponding value set to False in this boolean array. Returns ------- snippets : numpy.ndarray The top `k` snippets snippets_indices : numpy.ndarray The index locations for each of top `k` snippets snippets_profiles : numpy.ndarray The MPdist profiles for each of the top `k` snippets snippets_fractions : numpy.ndarray The fraction of data that each of the top `k` snippets represents snippets_areas : numpy.ndarray The area under the curve corresponding to each profile for each of the top `k` snippets snippets_regimes: numpy.ndarray The index slices corresponding to the set of regimes for each of the top `k` snippets. The first column is the (zero-based) snippet index while the second and third columns correspond to the (inclusive) regime start indices and the (exclusive) regime stop indices, respectively. Notes ----- `DOI: 10.1109/ICBK.2018.00058 \ <>`__ See Table I Examples -------- >>> import stumpy >>> import numpy as np >>> stumpy.snippets(np.array([584., -11., 23., 79., 1001., 0., -19.]), m=3, k=2) (array([[ 584., -11., 23.], [ 79., 1001., 0.]]), array([0, 3]), array([[0. , 3.2452632 , 3.00009263, 2.982409 , 0.11633857], [2.982409 , 2.69407392, 3.01719586, 0. , 2.92154586]]), array([0.6, 0.4]), array([9.3441034 , 5.81050512]), array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 2, 3], [0, 4, 5], [1, 1, 2], [1, 3, 4]])) """ T = core._preprocess(T) if m > T.shape[0] // 2: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( f"The snippet window size of {m} is too large for a time series with " f"length {T.shape[0]}. Please try `m <= len(T) // 2`." ) check_window_size(m, max_size=T.shape[0] // 2) D = _get_all_profiles( T, m, percentage=percentage, s=s, mpdist_percentage=mpdist_percentage, mpdist_k=mpdist_k, mpdist_T_subseq_isconstant=mpdist_T_subseq_isconstant, ) snippets = np.empty((k, m), dtype=np.float64) snippets_indices = np.empty(k, dtype=np.int64) snippets_profiles = np.empty((k, D.shape[-1]), dtype=np.float64) snippets_fractions = np.empty(k, dtype=np.float64) snippets_areas = np.empty(k, dtype=np.float64) Q = np.full(D.shape[-1], np.inf, dtype=np.float64) indices = np.arange(D.shape[0], dtype=np.int64) * m snippets_regimes_list = [] for i in range(k): profile_areas = np.sum(np.minimum(D, Q), axis=1) idx = np.argmin(profile_areas) snippets[i] = T[indices[idx] : indices[idx] + m] snippets_indices[i] = indices[idx] snippets_profiles[i] = D[idx] snippets_areas[i] = np.sum(np.minimum(D[idx], Q)) Q[:] = np.minimum(D[idx], Q) total_min = np.min(snippets_profiles, axis=0) for i in range(k): mask = snippets_profiles[i] <= total_min snippets_fractions[i] = np.sum(mask) / total_min.shape[0] total_min = total_min - mask.astype(np.float64) slices = _get_mask_slices(mask) snippets_regimes_list.append(slices) n_slices = [regime.shape[0] for regime in snippets_regimes_list] snippets_regimes = np.empty((sum(n_slices), 3), dtype=np.int64) snippets_regimes[:, 0] = np.repeat(np.arange(len(snippets_regimes_list)), n_slices) snippets_regimes[:, 1:] = np.vstack(snippets_regimes_list) return ( snippets, snippets_indices, snippets_profiles, snippets_fractions, snippets_areas, snippets_regimes, )