Source code for stumpy.motifs

# Copyright 2019 TD Ameritrade. Released under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license.
# STUMPY is a trademark of TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

import warnings

import numpy as np

from . import config, core
from .aamp_motifs import aamp_match, aamp_motifs

def _motifs(
    Find the top motifs for time series `T`.

    A subsequence, `Q`, becomes a candidate motif if there are at least `min_neighbor`
    number of other subsequence matches in `T` (outside the exclusion zone) with a
    distance less or equal to `max_distance`.

    T : numpy.ndarray
        The time series or sequence

    P : numpy.ndarray
        Matrix Profile of time series, `T`

    M_T : numpy.ndarray
        Sliding mean of time series, `T`

    Σ_T : numpy.ndarray
        Sliding standard deviation of time series, `T`

    T_subseq_isconstant : numpy.ndarray
        A boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T` is constant (True)

    excl_zone : int
        Size of the exclusion zone

    min_neighbors : int
        The minimum number of similar matches a subsequence needs to have in order
        to be considered a motif.

    max_distance : float or function
        For a candidate motif, `Q`, and a non-trivial subsequence, `S`, `max_distance`
        is the maximum distance allowed between `Q` and `S` so that `S` is considered
        a match of `Q`. If `max_distance` is a function, then it must be a function
        that accepts a single parameter, `D`, in its function signature, which is the
        distance profile between `Q` and `T`.

    cutoff : float
        The largest matrix profile value (distance) that a candidate motif is allowed
        to have.

    max_matches : int
        The maximum number of similar matches to be returned. The resulting
        matches are sorted by distance (starting with the most similar). Note that
        the first match is always the self-match/trivial-match for each motif.

    max_motifs : int
        The maximum number of motifs to return.

    atol : float, default 1e-8
        The absolute tolerance parameter. This value will be added to `max_distance`
        when comparing distances between subsequences.

    motif_distances : numpy.ndarray
        The distances corresponding to a set of subsequence matches for each motif.
        Note that the first column always corresponds to the distance for the
        self-match/trivial-match for each motif.

    motif_indices : numpy.ndarray
        The indices corresponding to a set of subsequences matches for each motif.
        Note that the first column always corresponds to the index for the
        self-match/trivial-match for each motif.
    n = T.shape[1]
    l = P.shape[1]
    m = n - l + 1

    motif_indices = []
    motif_distances = []

    candidate_idx = np.argmin(P[-1])
    for _ in range(l):
        if len(motif_indices) >= max_motifs:

        profile_value = P[-1, candidate_idx]
        if profile_value > cutoff or not np.isfinite(profile_value):  # pragma: no cover

        # If max_distance is a constant (independent of the distance profile D of Q
        # and T), then we can stop the iteration if the matrix profile value of Q is
        # larger than the maximum distance.
        if (
            isinstance(max_distance, float) and profile_value > max_distance
        ):  # pragma: no cover

        Q = T[:, candidate_idx : candidate_idx + m]
        Q_subseq_isconstant = np.atleast_2d(T_subseq_isconstant[:, candidate_idx])

        query_matches = match(

        if len(query_matches) > min_neighbors:
            motif_distances.append(query_matches[:max_matches, 0])
            motif_indices.append(query_matches[:max_matches, 1])

        if len(query_matches) == 0:  # pragma: no cover
            query_matches = np.array([[np.nan, candidate_idx]])

        for idx in query_matches[:, 1]:
            core.apply_exclusion_zone(P, int(idx), excl_zone, np.inf)

        candidate_idx = np.argmin(P[-1])

    motif_distances = core._jagged_list_to_array(
        motif_distances, fill_value=np.nan, dtype=np.float64
    motif_indices = core._jagged_list_to_array(
        motif_indices, fill_value=-1, dtype=np.int64

    return motif_distances, motif_indices

[docs] @core.non_normalized( aamp_motifs, exclude=[ "normalize", "T_subseq_isconstant", ], ) def motifs( T, P, min_neighbors=1, max_distance=None, cutoff=None, max_matches=10, max_motifs=1, atol=1e-8, normalize=True, p=2.0, T_subseq_isconstant=None, ): """ Discover the top motifs for time series `T` A subsequence, `Q`, becomes a candidate motif if there are at least `min_neighbor` number of other subsequence matches in `T` (outside the exclusion zone) with a distance less or equal to `max_distance`. Note that, in the best case scenario, the returned arrays would have shape `(max_motifs, max_matches)` and contain all finite values. However, in reality, many conditions (see below) need to be satisfied in order for this to be true. Any truncation in the number of rows (i.e., motifs) may be the result of insufficient candidate motifs with matches greater than or equal to `min_neighbors` or that the matrix profile value for the candidate motif was larger than `cutoff`. Similarly, any truncation in the number of columns (i.e., matches) may be the result of insufficient matches being found with distances (to their corresponding candidate motif) that are equal to or less than `max_distance`. Only motifs and matches that satisfy all of these constraints will be returned. If you must return a shape of `(max_motifs, max_matches)`, then you may consider specifying a smaller `min_neighbors`, a larger `max_distance`, and/or a larger `cutoff`. For example, while it is ill advised, setting `min_neighbors=1`, `max_distance=np.inf`, and `cutoff=np.inf` will ensure that the shape of the output arrays will be `(max_motifs, max_matches)`. However, given the lack of constraints, the quality of each motif and the quality of each match may be drastically different. Setting appropriate conditions will help ensure appropriately constrained results that may be easier to interpret. Parameters ---------- T : numpy.ndarray The time series or sequence P : numpy.ndarray The (1-dimensional) matrix profile of `T`. In the case where the matrix profile was computed with `k > 1` (i.e., top-k nearest neighbors), you must summarize the top-k nearest-neighbor distances for each subsequence into a single value (e.g., `np.mean`, `np.min`, etc) and then use that derived value as your `P`. min_neighbors : int, default 1 The minimum number of similar matches a subsequence needs to have in order to be considered a motif. This defaults to `1`, which means that a subsequence must have at least one similar match in order to be considered a motif. max_distance : float or function, default None For a candidate motif, `Q`, and a non-trivial subsequence, `S`, `max_distance` is the maximum distance allowed between `Q` and `S` so that `S` is considered a match of `Q`. If `max_distance` is a function, then it must be a function that accepts a single parameter, `D`, in its function signature, which is the distance profile between `Q` and `T`. If None, this defaults to `np.nanmax([np.nanmean(D) - 2.0 * np.nanstd(D), np.nanmin(D)])`. cutoff : float, default None The largest matrix profile value (distance) that a candidate motif is allowed to have. If `None`, this defaults to `np.nanmax([np.nanmean(P) - 2.0 * np.nanstd(P), np.nanmin(P)])` max_matches : int, default 10 The maximum amount of similar matches of a motif representative to be returned. The resulting matches are sorted by distance, so a value of `10` means that the indices of the most similar `10` subsequences is returned. If `None`, all matches within `max_distance` of the motif representative will be returned. Note that the first match is always the self-match/trivial-match for each motif. max_motifs : int, default 1 The maximum number of motifs to return atol : float, default 1e-8 The absolute tolerance parameter. This value will be added to `max_distance` when comparing distances between subsequences. normalize : bool, default True When set to `True`, this z-normalizes subsequences prior to computing distances. Otherwise, this function gets re-routed to its complementary non-normalized equivalent set in the `@core.non_normalized` function decorator. p : float, default 2.0 The p-norm to apply for computing the Minkowski distance. Minkowski distance is typically used with `p` being 1 or 2, which correspond to the Manhattan distance and the Euclidean distance, respectively. This parameter is ignored when `normalize == True`. T_subseq_isconstant : numpy.ndarray or function, default None A boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T` is constant (True). Alternatively, a custom, user-defined function that returns a boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T` is constant (True). The function must only take two arguments, `a`, a 1-D array, and `w`, the window size, while additional arguments may be specified by currying the user-defined function using `functools.partial`. Any subsequence with at least one np.nan/np.inf will automatically have its corresponding value set to False in this boolean array. Returns ------- motif_distances : numpy.ndarray The distances corresponding to a set of subsequence matches for each motif. Note that the first column always corresponds to the distance for the self-match/trivial-match for each motif. motif_indices : numpy.ndarray The indices corresponding to a set of subsequences matches for each motif. Note that the first column always corresponds to the index for the self-match/trivial-match for each motif. See Also -------- stumpy.match : Find all matches of a query `Q` in a time series `T` stumpy.mmotifs : Discover the top motifs for the multi-dimensional time series `T` stumpy.stump : Compute the z-normalized matrix profile stumpy.stumped : Compute the z-normalized matrix profile with a distributed dask cluster stumpy.gpu_stump : Compute the z-normalized matrix profile with one or more GPU devices stumpy.scrump : Compute an approximate z-normalized matrix profile Examples -------- >>> import stumpy >>> import numpy as np >>> mp = stumpy.stump(np.array([584., -11., 23., 79., 1001., 0., -19.]), m=3) >>> stumpy.motifs( ... np.array([584., -11., 23., 79., 1001., 0., -19.]), ... mp[:, 0], ... max_distance=2.0) (array([[0. , 0.11633857]]), array([[0, 4]])) """ T = core._preprocess(T) if max_motifs < 1: # pragma: no cover msg = "The maximum number of motifs, `max_motifs`, " msg += "must be greater than or equal to 1.\n" msg += "`max_motifs` has been set to `1`" warnings.warn(msg) max_motifs = 1 if T.ndim != 1: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( f"T is {T.ndim}-dimensional and must be 1-dimensional. " "Multidimensional motif discovery is not yet supported." ) if P.ndim != 1: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( f"P is {P.ndim}-dimensional and must be 1-dimensional. " "Multidimensional motif discovery is not yet supported." ) m = T.shape[-1] - P.shape[-1] + 1 excl_zone = int(np.ceil(m / config.STUMPY_EXCL_ZONE_DENOM)) if max_matches is None: # pragma: no cover max_matches = np.inf if cutoff is None: # pragma: no cover P_copy = P.copy().astype(np.float64) P_copy[np.isinf(P_copy)] = np.nan cutoff = np.nanmax( [np.nanmean(P_copy) - 2.0 * np.nanstd(P_copy), np.nanmin(P_copy)] ) if cutoff == 0.0: # pragma: no cover suggested_cutoff = np.partition(P, 1)[1] msg = "The `cutoff` has been set to 0.0 and may result in little/no candidate " msg += "motifs being identified.\n" msg += "You may consider relaxing the constraint by increasing the `cutoff` " msg += f"(e.g., cutoff={suggested_cutoff})." warnings.warn(msg) T_subseq_isconstant = core.process_isconstant(T, m, T_subseq_isconstant) T, M_T, Σ_T, T_subseq_isconstant = core.preprocess( np.expand_dims(T, 0), m, T_subseq_isconstant=np.expand_dims(T_subseq_isconstant, 0), ) P = np.expand_dims(P, 0).astype(np.float64) motif_distances, motif_indices = _motifs( T, P, M_T, Σ_T, T_subseq_isconstant, excl_zone, min_neighbors, max_distance, cutoff, max_matches, max_motifs, atol=atol, ) if motif_distances.shape[1] == 0: # pragma: no cover msg = "No motifs were found. You may consider increasing the `cutoff` " msg += f"(e.g., cutoff={2. * cutoff}) and/or increasing the `max_distance `" msg += "(e.g., max_distance=np.inf)." warnings.warn(msg) return motif_distances, motif_indices
[docs] @core.non_normalized( aamp_match, exclude=[ "normalize", "M_T", "Σ_T", "T_subseq_isfinite", "T_subseq_isconstant", "Q_subseq_isconstant", "p", ], replace={"M_T": "T_subseq_isfinite", "Σ_T": None}, ) def match( Q, T, M_T=None, Σ_T=None, max_distance=None, max_matches=None, atol=1e-8, query_idx=None, normalize=True, p=2.0, T_subseq_isfinite=None, T_subseq_isconstant=None, Q_subseq_isconstant=None, ): """ Find all matches of a query `Q` in a time series `T` The indices of subsequences whose distances to `Q` are less than or equal to `max_distance`, sorted by distance (lowest to highest). Around each occurrence an exclusion zone is applied before searching for the next. Parameters ---------- Q : numpy.ndarray The query sequence. It doesn't have to be a subsequence of `T` T : numpy.ndarray The time series of interest M_T : numpy.ndarray, default None Sliding mean of time series, `T` Σ_T : numpy.ndarray, default None Sliding standard deviation of time series, `T` max_distance : float or function, default None Maximum distance between `Q` and a subsequence `S` for `S` to be considered a match. If a function, then it has to be a function of one argument `D`, which will be the distance profile of `Q` with `T` (a 1D numpy array of size `n-m+1`). If None, this defaults to `np.nanmax([np.nanmean(D) - 2 * np.nanstd(D), np.nanmin(D)])` (i.e. at least the closest match will be returned). max_matches : int, default None The maximum amount of similar occurrences to be returned. The resulting occurrences are sorted by distance, so a value of `10` means that the indices of the most similar `10` subsequences is returned. If `None`, then all occurrences are returned. atol : float, default 1e-8 The absolute tolerance parameter. This value will be added to `max_distance` when comparing distances between subsequences. query_idx : int, default None This is the index position along the time series, `T`, where the query subsequence, `Q`, is located. `query_idx` should only be used when the matrix profile is a self-join and should be set to `None` for matrix profiles computed from AB-joins. If `query_idx` is set to a specific integer value, then this will help ensure that the self-match will be returned first. normalize : bool, default True When set to `True`, this z-normalizes subsequences prior to computing distances. Otherwise, this function gets re-routed to its complementary non-normalized equivalent set in the `@core.non_normalized` function decorator. p : float, default 2.0 The p-norm to apply for computing the Minkowski distance. Minkowski distance is typically used with `p` being 1 or 2, which correspond to the Manhattan distance and the Euclidean distance, respectively. This parameter is ignored when `normalize == True`. T_subseq_isfinite : numpy.ndarray A boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T` contains a `np.nan`/`np.inf` value (False). This parameter is ignored when `normalize=True`. T_subseq_isconstant : numpy.ndarray or function, default None A boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence (of length Q) in `T` is constant (True). Alternatively, a custom, user-defined function that returns a boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `T` is constant (True). The function must only take two arguments, `a`, a 1-D array, and `w`, the window size, while additional arguments may be specified by currying the user-defined function using `functools.partial`. Any subsequence with at least one np.nan/np.inf will automatically have its corresponding value set to False in this boolean array. Q_subseq_isconstant : numpy.ndarray or function, default None A boolean array (of size 1) that indicates whether Q is constant (True). Alternatively, a custom, user-defined function that returns a boolean array that indicates whether a subsequence in `Q` is constant (True). The function must only take two arguments, `a`, a 1-D array, and `w`, the window size, while additional arguments may be specified by currying the user-defined function using `functools.partial`. Any subsequence with at least one np.nan/np.inf will automatically have its corresponding value set to False in this boolean array. Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray The first column consists of distances of subsequences of `T` whose distances to `Q` are less than or equal to `max_distance`, sorted by distance (lowest to highest). The second column consists of the corresponding indices in `T`. See Also -------- stumpy.motifs : Discover the top motifs for time series `T` stumpy.mmotifs : Discover the top motifs for the multi-dimensional time series `T` stumpy.stump : Compute the z-normalized matrix profile stumpy.stumped : Compute the z-normalized matrix profile with a distributed dask cluster stumpy.gpu_stump : Compute the z-normalized matrix profile with one or more GPU devices stumpy.scrump : Compute an approximate z-normalized matrix profile Examples -------- >>> import stumpy >>> import numpy as np >>> stumpy.match( ... np.array([-11.1, 23.4, 79.5, 1001.0]), ... np.array([584., -11., 23., 79., 1001., 0., -19.]) ... ) array([[0.0011129739290248121, 1]], dtype=object) """ Q = core._preprocess(Q) T = core._preprocess(T) if np.any(np.isnan(Q)) or np.any(np.isinf(Q)): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Q contains illegal values (NaN or inf)") m = Q.shape[-1] excl_zone = int(np.ceil(m / config.STUMPY_EXCL_ZONE_DENOM)) Q_subseq_isconstant = core.process_isconstant(Q, m, Q_subseq_isconstant) T_subseq_isconstant = core.process_isconstant(T, m, T_subseq_isconstant) if Q.ndim == 1: Q = np.expand_dims(Q, 0) if Q_subseq_isconstant.ndim == 1: Q_subseq_isconstant = np.expand_dims(Q_subseq_isconstant, 0) if T.ndim == 1: T = np.expand_dims(T, 0) if T_subseq_isconstant.ndim == 1: T_subseq_isconstant = np.expand_dims(T_subseq_isconstant, 0) T[np.isinf(T)] = np.nan if M_T is None or Σ_T is None: M_T, Σ_T = core.compute_mean_std(T, m) T[np.isnan(T)] = 0 if len(M_T.shape) == 1: M_T = np.expand_dims(M_T, 0) if len(Σ_T.shape) == 1: Σ_T = np.expand_dims(Σ_T, 0) d, n = T.shape D = np.empty((d, n - m + 1)) for i in range(d): D[i, :] = core.mass( Q[i], T[i], M_T[i], Σ_T[i], T_subseq_isconstant=T_subseq_isconstant[i], Q_subseq_isconstant=Q_subseq_isconstant[i], query_idx=query_idx, ) D = np.mean(D, axis=0) return core._find_matches( D, excl_zone, max_distance=max_distance, max_matches=max_matches, query_idx=query_idx, atol=atol, )